Saturday, May 07, 2005

Paul Berendt: Republican's Most Valuable Player in the Rossi drama.

The state democrat party has lost its mind.

Now, most observers of state level politics know that Paul Berendt, state democrat budda, is something of a nut job. Did you, for example, notice how he cries? A lot?

Anyway, with a reasonably straight face, Berendt and his crew have helped the Republican cause (did I mention he’s something of a nut job?) by identifying an ADDITIONAL 743 votes that HE claims are illegal.

Is this where I say something acerbic, like, “Hello… Hello… anyone home in there?”

First of all, that Berendt could even remotely believe that the illegal voting population of this state, REGARDLESS of their race or gender would vote anything but democrat is truly bizarre.

The democrat party is, after all, the party of victimhood. What better draw to the woe-is-me, illegal felon vote then the party that would allow them to ignore personal responsibility so they can blame everyone and everything but themselves for committing their crimes? It’s the party of the poor (well, unless you’re poor and powerless in this state, in which case, the democrats happened to balance the budget on your backs, according to democrat State Senator Craig Pridemore, mere seconds before he, to, voted to balance the state budget on your backs) … the party of the “expanding program.” What convict would vote against that?

Berendt and the rest of the democrat machine actually expect us to BELIEVE that Rossi picked up the redneck felon illegal vote?

We’re already aware of the bogus efforts of “Every vote must count” Berendt, who’s vote runners screened Republican votes out when they were getting signatures on absentee ballots in King County. We already know that democrats have made the strategic decision to oppose any effort to stop illegal voting, because they’ve determined that they benefit from such a vote.

Now this clown expects us to think that they also don’t get any vote that is illegal if the source of that vote is a “nonunion blue-collar, male Caucasian” convicted felon?

Please. I don’t buy it and my guess is the judge won’t buy it either. And, with the exception of the racial component, which I believe to be trumped by the convict component, Berendt offers absolutely no proof to back up his assertion.

The irony of all this, of course, is that the more irregularities Berendt can provide, the greater the case that the results should be thrown out and we should have a revote.

Clearly, the strategists in the state democrat party have hit the bong a few too many times.

Keep up the good work, Paul. I appreciate that you’re doing everything you can to get Rossi elected and between Christine’s efforts in the last Legislative session and your efforts to strengthen Republican claims that the final tally was bogus… we just might get there.

Saturday, May 7, 2005
Democrats flag 743 votes they say felons cast
David Postman
Seattle Times chief political reporter

Democrats said in court papers yesterday that they've identified 743 felons who voted illegally in the November election.

And in a separate filing in Chelan County Superior Court, Democrats said they've added two academic experts to their legal team to help show that those felons, as well as 946 submitted earlier by Republicans, are more likely to have voted for Republican Dino Rossi than Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire.

"We know for a fact that nonunion, blue-collar, Caucasian men vote very disproportionately Republican, and when you look at the felon population in the state of Washington, they are overwhelmingly nonunion, blue-collar, male Caucasians," said state Democratic Party Chairman Paul Berendt.

"This could be under any other circumstance the prime demographic Republicans target in their" get-out-the-vote effort, he said. Republicans said they already found errors in the Democrats' earlier list of alleged felons and will carefully review the latest filing.


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