Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Nobody whines and snivels like the Left redux #99: Eyman out to destroy representative democracy

I’ve got to hand it to the fringe-leftist socialist neo-comms running state government and the democrats. They have the Art of the Whine down to a science.

These people strike me as idiots.

One of these misguided souls actually believes… or has the innate stupidity to at least write as if he believes, that Tim Eyman actually represents a “threat to representative democracy.”

That, of course, is a crock. An out-and-out crock of the highest-grade horse-hockey available on the market today.

In fact, just the opposite is true. The ultra-left neo-comms, out to personally and politically destroy those wise enough to oppose them, have completely overlooked the FACT that a non-responsive government, populated by idiots that refuse to acknowledge the will of the people, actually stand as the biggest threat to representative democracy… and not the Watch Salesman from Mukilteo.
What the Left continues to forget… or shove aside… or ignore, is Article One, Section One of the Washington State Constitution, which states the following:

All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

Can they read that? Can they understand it? The FIRST Right in the section, Declaration of Rights, is the very RIGHT that neo-comms ignore… and seek to take away from us at their earliest possible time.

Tim Eyman has actually given the people a voice. But because that voice doesn’t happen to say what the socialist whiners want to hear, they make irresponsible statements and allegations that essentially boil down to one thing and one thing only: In the world of the neo-comm, what the people actually want is meaningless if it conflicts with the government agenda.

If the Left doesn’t like it, they can run their own initiative or referendum to eliminate initiatives or referendums.

They won’t, of course, for the same reason their great wailing and gnashing of teeth over HB 1515 was such a meaningless, put-upon con job: they lack the guts to put their alleged principles where their mouth is, and put their ultra-leftist pap to the test at the ballot box.

In short… their “ACTION” consists of whining, sniveling and complaining… and not constructively advocating for change in the way the Legislature does business so that they, the Body that would allegedly govern us, will gain the responsiveness that will stop their slide into irrelevance.

In the end, there would be no Eyman if the Legislature had not chose and does not choose to ignore the will of the people. If the Legislature were responsive… then we wouldn’t need the Initiative process.

Anything else… such as this… isn’t even creative bitching and moaning. Instead, it’s shear hypocrisy.

But then, you knew that… Right?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Eyman out to destroy representative democracy


Here we go again.

Apparently angry that the Legislature would dare tackle our state's transportation problems without first consulting him, Tim Eyman is hawking yet another $30 car tab initiative ("Government defies voter approval," May 3).

The initiative process -- and direct democracy -- is nothing today like what its founders envisioned it to be. Special interests have hijacked the process for their own political gain, bypassing the citizen-elected Legislature and public input, to craft poorly written, self-serving proposals designed to appeal to voters' pocketbooks while downplaying the consequences. Eyman is no exception.

Six years ago, Eyman launched his professional political career with Initiative 695, which brought him fame, fortune and arrogance. He exploited citizens' frustration with the motor vehicle excise tax and drafted an initiative that almost eliminated the entire tax. But I-695 had been poorly written, so the Washington Supreme Court threw it out. Afraid of another initiative, the governor and the Legislature gave in to Eyman and eliminated the MVET.

More (of this incredible nonsense)...

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