Monday, May 09, 2005

Nobody whines and snivels like the Left redux: Mixed interests fight unions

Payback can come in many guise’s… many names.

Fromhold and Doumit… remember that idiotic bill of theirs designed to punish the BIAW?

HHHmmm… What WILL they think of next?

Mixed interests fight unions
Critics say ultimate goal of conservative groups is to cut state worker jobs



Washington's largest state workers union says conservative political groups are misleading employees by offering support for decertification efforts while the real goal is to cut state government jobs.

"Who is pushing back, and why are they pushing? Why is the Evergreen Freedom Foundation working in concert with the Building Industry Association of Washington and the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation?" asked Greg Devereux, executive director of the Washington Federation of State Employees.

"These outside entities ... are essentially trying to crush what we did accomplish," he said.

The federation referred to the three organizations as the "axis of evil" on its Web site during efforts to hold on to 21 bargaining units rebelling against the union's contract with the state.

"That's the coalition of anti-state-employee groups campaigning against legislative funding of the contracts by aiding in or leading the decertification of state employee unions," the federation said in a news update.


Why? Because you people are idiots. Because the only thing you give a damn about are your fellow union thugs while you do everything in your power to screw the taxpayers of this state. Because your stupidity in singling out the BIAW for retribution could never happen for free.

Thanks for asking.

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