Friday, May 27, 2005

More on why democrats in state government are scum.

As I have noted, democrats are in government to rip the taxpayers (that is, “us,”) off. “Governor” Gregoire isn’t even making a half-hearted attempt to hold the out-of-control agencies infesting our state government accountable for their actions.

In addition to the legislature taking no action based on the state auditor’s identification of $3 billion dollars of misspent, illegally spent or outright vaporized money, she ALLOWED the head of the Children’s Administration to RESIGN, even though HER agency overspent her budget by a paltry $12 million.

Then, to add insult to the taxpayer’s injury her fellow democrats have inflicted on us, “Governor” Gregoire has VETOED the budget cuts that were a START in the process of recovering our millions of misspent dollars.

Thanks, “Governor.” Thanks for screwing us like you did when you increased our taxes $500 million dollars to take care of your buddies.

Gregoire eases children's agency budget woes
5/27/2005, 2:55 p.m. PT
The Associated Press

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Gov. Christine Gregoire has eased the multimillion-dollar budget problem at the Children's Administration.

A recent budget veto by the governor stopped the Legislature from cutting the Department of Social and Health Services budget by $16.7 million. The agency said Friday that some of the money will be used to fill at least part of the budget gap at the agency's program for poor and vulnerable children and those in foster care.

The program overspent its budget by $12 million and began cutting some services. The program's new director, Cheryl Stephani, said the agency still is tightly controlling expenses for services and administration until the new fiscal year begins July 1.


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