Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Is anyone really surprised?

From the group that actually TWICE SUED THOSE THEY WOULD GOVERN TO SILENCE OPPOSITION... They ALSO want to increase your taxes!

I'm stunned... stunned, I tell you!

Never mind that they've put themselves and the taxpayers of Clark County on the hook for $60 to $70 million dollars for the downtown White Elephant, aka hotel/convention center... which has served, in large part, to be the CAUSE of jacking up more taxes.

Well, you folks and businesses in Vancouver have the government you deserve. Enjoy!

Council generally supports tax hikes

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
By JEFFREY MIZE, Columbian staff writer

Increasing the sales tax and asking voters to bump up property taxes received a generally favorable reception from some, but not all, members of the Vancouver City Council on Monday night.

But finding a precise tax package, intended to shore up the the city's finances for the next 10 years, will take more than one meeting.

Council members spent more than three hours Monday chewing on the multifaceted tax and budget issue.

"There's no easy answer," Mark Brandon, chief lending officer for First Independent Bank, said near the beginning of Monday's discussion. "There's no golden key that's going to open the doors and make things work overnight."

Brandon, who will become chairman of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce next year, serves on a five-member group that has met nine times since the start of the year to hash over the city's budget.


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