Friday, May 20, 2005

How is it that the Oregon Legislature has enough common sense to do this...

... but the neo-comms in Olympia do not?

The State of Oregon is a trainwreck. Portland's city government is a nationwide punchline, Multnomah Commissioners view laws as mere suggestions, to be ignored whenever their socialist leanings kick in (Can you say "gay marriage?" I knew you could!)


The Oregon Legislature occasionally seems capable of actual "representation." Every so often, they actually do what the people of their state want.

If only such a system existed here in Washington.

Which leads me to today's example of Oregon's Legislative success, contrasted neatly with Washington's all-to-typical legislative failure.

In Washington, the given is that democrats benefit from the illegal and fraud vote. As a result, the growing demand for proof of citizenship requirements to register to vote was ignored by our government.

In Oregon, they've found a way, apparently, to get beyond that, at least in the House.

My fear here is, of course, that since the illegal/fraud vote goes to the democrats EVERYWHERE, that even if this bill makes it through the process, Leftist Governor Kulingoski will, of course, veto this legislation, because (You guessed it!) the democrats benefit from the illegal/fraud vote.


Friday, May 20, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 a.m.

Ore. bill: New voters would have to prove citizenship

By Charles E. Beggs

The Associated Press

SALEM, Ore. — People registering to vote in Oregon for the first time would have to show proof of citizenship, under a bill narrowly passed yesterday by the state House.

Supporters say the step is needed to prevent illegal immigrants from fraudulently registering and voting, but foes contend there's little or no evidence that is happening.

The measure passed 31-25 and now goes to the Senate.

The bill's sponsor, Rep. Linda Flores, R-Clackamas, said there are no procedures to ensure that only legal citizens are registering because little or no checking is done.


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