Sunday, May 29, 2005

From the Right Corner: The “Agreement:” Much ado about nothing.

Oh, the talking heads went nuts, didn’t they? The neo-comms called it a defeat for Sen. Bill Frist, MD. One ignorant even referred to him as “toast.”

Nonsense, of course.

There was an “agreement” of some sort… that lasted about 18 hours.

The fact that the terms of the agreement were never defined doomed it from inception. “Extraordinary circumstances” is such a nebulous statement that it’s worthless on its face.

And Reid? He’s such an incompetent that he was made into a buffoon by his own caucus; falsely assuring Frist that Bolton would be confirmed in the last vote… only to have it blow up in his face.

The fact is that with the blow up, Frist and the Republicans were actually proven victorious in their efforts to get at least a few of the heretofore “unacceptable” judges appointed to the DC and 5th District Courts.

Democrats, whining and sniveling like nobody’s business, had assured us all that Justices Owen and Rogers Brown were absolutely unacceptable for confirmation (majority be damned) until this “agreement” was made.

The “agreement,” of course, accomplished nothing for the democrats except to prove that their objections were both bogus and politically driven. Reid, the dem’s idiot leader in the Senate told us of his objection to Owen: that she took an "extreme ideological approach to the law."

In the end, Reid’s idiocy aside, Owen is now confirmed as a Federal Appeals Court judge… and the nuclear option looms as much as it ever did.

So… Where it matters… and it ONLY matters in the “what actually happened” department… The President got one of his appointments confirmed… Reid was made out to look like a clown… and the nuclear option issue remains unresolved.

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