Saturday, May 07, 2005

Dr. Dean The Disaster.

I’ve written a few words about the democrat’s abortive choice of Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde to run their badly listing ship, and the early returns are in where it counts: Dollars.

Dean has been a disaster. As long as they let him run their party, he will BE a disaster.

Dean has a runaway mouth. He’s thoughtless, apparently incapable of a strategic thought, and while attempting a democrat reality check on one hand, on the other, he shoots off his mouth like an AK 47, with remarks that have the effect of an Iraqi car bomb, killing everyone in sight.

Mainstream democrats tried to warn the rest of the Party. But their Party is infested with radical socialists who are doing everything they can to drag the Party farther and farther Left… and now it shows where it’s most important: money.

Robert Novak


Democratic National Committee (DNC) fund raising under the chairmanship of Howard Dean shows a disappointing $16.7 million raised in the first quarter of 2005, compared with $34 million reported by the Republicans.

That tends to confirm dire predictions by old-line Democratic fund-raisers of a fall-off in money if Dean became chairman. He had promised to bring in heavy individual contributions, as he did in his 2004 campaign for president. But the DNC in the first quarter received only $13 million from individuals, compared to $31 million for the Republican National Committee (RNC).

A footnote: A recent DNC fund-raising appeal promised to send field workers to North Carolina, which does not have a major statewide election until 2008.

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