Friday, April 08, 2005

Washington State legislative democrats view PEOPLE as PROPERTY!

I’m reasonably sure that during the course of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln made the determination that people could not be property. I thought the 13th Amendment was rather straight forward on the issue.

Little did I realize…

… SOME democrats view PEOPLE as PROPERTY. AT least one of those democrats is a State Senator here in Washington.

In this instance, it’s State Senator Mary Margaret Haugen, Senate Transportation Chair.

Senator Haugen lives in a dream world… a delusional world inhabited by those who can still view people as property.

Senator Haugen has introduced a total replacement amendment, called a “striker amendment,” for SB 6016. This amendment equates people to property and taxes us accordingly.

That’s right… WE are being taxed… for being PEOPLE. THIS senator seems to believe that the act of “occupying a housing unit” is a PRIVILEGE and we should be TAXED for it. THIS senator seem to think that “engaging in a business” is a PRIVILEGE and we should be TAXED for it. She also thinks that the county, city or town, WITHOUT A VOTE, should IMPOSE such an onerous, despicable tax,

This will be the first time in our Nation’s history that PEOPLE will be taxed because they dare to “occupying a housing unit,” or “engage in a business.”

Fortunately, words only almost fail me. In this instance, this bill merely serves to confirm the stereotype of democrats generally. This bill is the act of a delusional senator who has forgotten that she was elected to SERVE the People…. Not tax them for exercising their basic rights as human beings.

She should be ashamed of herself. She should apologize and beg our collective forgiveness. And, she should resign immediately from her elected office and never run for a position of responsibility again.

The Evergreen Freedom Foundation provided a copy of this bill. I provided the analisys.

"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 82.80 RCW to read as follows:

(1)(a) A county may fix and impose an annual vehicle fee of: (i) Twenty dollars per vehicle between July 1, 2005, and December 31, 2009; (ii) twenty-five dollars per vehicle between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2014; and (iii) thirty dollars per vehicle for all fees imposed after December 31, 2014.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 82.80 RCW to read as follows:

A county, city, or town may fix and impose an excise tax for the privilege of occupying a housing unit within the county, city, or town in such amounts as shall be fixed and determined by the county, city, or town; however, the excise tax may not exceed two dollars per month for each occupied housing unit. For the purposes of this section, "housing unit" means a building or portion thereof designed for or used as the residence or living quarters of one or more persons living together, or of one family. The excise tax may be authorized under this section by the county, city, or town legislative authority, or upon approval by a majority of the voters in the county, city, or town voting on a proposition at a general or special election. A county, city, or town imposing the tax provided for in this section may provide for its payment on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Each local government may develop by ordinance or resolution rules for administering the tax including the reporting thereof. A county, city, or town imposing the tax authorized in this section may develop by ordinance or resolution rules that provide for exemptions from the tax for certain persons as the county, city, or town deems appropriate.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 A new section is added to chapter 82.80 RCW to read as follows:

(1) A county, city, or town may impose an excise tax, for the privilege of engaging in business, of up to two dollars per employee per month on all employers or any class or classes of employers, public and private, measured by the number of full-time equivalent employees. In no event may the total taxes imposed under this section exceed two dollars per employee per month for any single employer. The county, city, or town imposing the tax authorized in this section may provide for exemptions from the tax for such educational, cultural, health, charitable, or religious organizations as it deems appropriate.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 82.80 RCW to read as follows:

(1) A county, city, or town may impose special assessments on all property within the county to support transportation improvements that benefit county, city, or town property owners. The assessments shall not exceed fifty dollars annually per parcel. The assessment rate authorized or adopted shall be uniformly applied to all parcels within the county, city, or town. The assessments may be authorized under this section by the county, city, or town legislative authority, or upon approval by a majority of the voters in the county, city, or town voting on a proposition at a general or special election.

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