Tuesday, April 26, 2005

More Leftist neo-comm democrat hypocrisy: monumental whining about DeLay... not a peep about Baghdad Jim

Look, as a rule, the main stream ultra-leftists infesting the democrat party don't give a damn about ethics. Their hate-based perspective is to use ethics as a weapon against Republicans... Purely for political gain.

But when it comes to one of their own... can you HEAR the deafening silence?

Compared to ol' Baghdad Jimmy, Tom DeLay hasn't received so much as a parking ticket.

But not a sound about one of their own most radical neo-communists' despicable actions.

That makes those whining and sniveling about DeLay what... hypocrites?

Old lawsuit back to 3 judges
By Hans Nichols

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals last week handed Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) a key victory in his ongoing lawsuit against Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), making it more likely that McDermott will be forced to pay punitive damages and lawyer’s fees for leaking a taped conversation of GOP leaders way back in 1996.

Sitting en banc, the appeals court denied McDermott’s request to empanel a more sympathetic three-judge bench to review an October district court decision that ordered McDermott to pay Boehner $60,000 in damages, plus legal fees that could mount to more than $500,000, said Boehner’s lawyer, Mike Carvin.

Boehner could expect a final decision in a suit that he initiated against McDermott in March of 1998 by the end of this year, according to Carvin.

McDermott is also the subject of a separate and ongoing, investigation by the House Ethics Committee based on a complaint filed by Rep. David Hobson (R-Utah) last year on the leaked tape issue.


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