Thursday, April 28, 2005

More democrat neo-comm hate speech from the left: Robert Jamison sticks his foot in his mouth over Microsoft.

The leftist neo-comms came unhinged when Microsoft appeared to waffle on their pet gay lifestyle-mainstreaming project.

What they don’t know, or, at least, don’t care to tell you is that Microsoft had no say on the issue… one-way or the other. My senate contacts have confirmed to me that this issue was decided as a conservative v. liberal match, and Brown knew she didn’t have the votes when she was dumb enough to bring this measure to the floor for a vote, democrat histrionics notwithstanding.

Microsoft has never been a major player in state politics. At the end of the day, my feeling is they could care less, one way or the other. What the neo-comms are trying to do is to GET them to care, to GET them to sign on to this leftist fringe agenda.

So, we get more ultra-leftist dribble from Robert Jamison’s column in the Seattle P-I.

He attacks Microsoft for having any kind of relationship, let alone a business relationship, with anything having anything to do with anything that Ralph Reed is involved with.

Of course, the reverse would not be true in Jamison’s world. If Microsoft had the same relationship with, or any other militant leftist outfit, or any other fringe group foaming at the mouth over the bizarre concept of “gay rights,” THAT would have been OK.

No… it’s only Microsoft’s relations with anyone to the RIGHT (You know… a business relationship that is really NONE OF HIS BUSINESS?) that sets these people off.

And, once again… the word of the day is “hypocrisy.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Payments to Reed sully Microsoft


The man dubbed "The Right Hand of God" has fingerprints all over Microsoft. Still.

Ralph Reed is more than a Friend of Bill -- he is a paid GOP consultant, getting $20,000 a month from Microsoft to help shape the software behemoth's image in the global marketplace.

Judging from Reed's past -- he was the former head of the evangelical Christian Coalition -- that means serving up vitriolic viewpoints about gays and lesbians.

Judging from Microsoft's actions -- the company just yanked its support of a legislative bill in Olympia to protect gays -- the Reed brand of insight is shining through.

Microsoft yesterday confirmed its ongoing relationship with Reed, who raised eyebrows five years ago when he turned up on Microsoft's payroll. At the time, Reed was a hired gun. His charge was to influence future President George W. Bush to support Microsoft in its antitrust battle with the Justice Department.


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