Monday, April 11, 2005

Is the end near for Hillary? *I*, for one, hope not!

Matt Drudge does it again by putting out the word about the latest tome directed at US Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY).

Hillary, carpetbagger extraordinary (Something how local neo-comm democrats should keep in mind when it comes to a certain local county commissioner race) is the titular democrat nominee for the 2008 melee' in what is sure to be the most vicious, contentious, competitive election in our Nation's history.

Early buzz on the book, The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President, authored by Ed Klein, liberal former editor of the NY Times, among others, is that this effort will bury her.

Democrats are already attempting to smear the effort by referring to it as a "Swift Vets for Truth" ad campaign against their hero (Of course, their problem then as now is that most of the Swift Vet campaign was fact-based... Always a problem when you choose a lying little weasel as your candidate)

Nevertheless, the question remains: Does the work, buzzed about as "Hillary in the Raw," spell the end for ol' Hill'?

Stay tuned!




A book battle has broken out on Publisher's Row over the ultimate Hillary-attack!

The project being billed as "Hillary in the Raw", like you've never seen her before, is set to drop in September by liberal Ed Klein, former NYT MAGAZINE editor, VANITY FAIR, PARADE contributor and author of multiple works on the Kennedys.

"The revelations in it should sink her candidacy," a source close to Klein warns the DRUDGE REPORT.


Last week, Clinton stalwart Ann Lewis fired off an email to supporters warning of the 'Swift Boat' tactics coming against the former first lady turned senator.

Now the coming sales pitch for ' THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President' reads: 'Just as the swift boat veterans convinced millions of voters that John Kerry lacked the character to be president, Klein’s book will influence everyone who is sizing up the character of Hillary Clinton...



  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hillary didn't lose the US Senate race in New Jersey and then go over to New York to run yet again.

    That's the difference between her and Mielke's carpetbagging.


  2. That dog won't hunt.

    Carpet bagging is carpet bagging. Losing an election before you engage in the practice ultimately has no impact on the final product: Moving to another area to run for office.

    The hypocrisy for local democrats is that they had no difficulty including Jeannie Harris on their list of replacement commissioner candidates for Craig Pridemore. Certainly, you, as an individual, or you, as a party, wouldn't engage in the double standard of effectively saying on one hand that Jeannie Harris, losing candidate to Marc Boldt would be just spiffy for county commissioner, but that Tom Mielke, losing candidate to Betty Sue wouldn't be?

    In the end, the only issue is one of perspective. Apparently, for neo-comms, it’s OK when one of their candidates engages in the practice, but it’s problematic when a Republican does the same.

    Thanks for writing.

  3. Anonymous10:20 PM

    No one more than I was discouraged to see Jeanne Harris throw her hat in the ring for the county commissioner. So, in other words, how do you know that local Democrats had no problem with her decision??

    Believe me, she was discouraged from doing so -- so no, it wasn't OK for her to "engage in the practice".

    It's problematic when ANY candidate engages in carpet bagging.


  4. "So, in other words, how do you know that local Democrats had no problem with her decision??"

    Because, if I'm not mistaken, she was number two on the list of three sent to the commissioners for their consideration as a replacement for Pridemore.

    If the local party didn't support her carpetbagging candidacy, enabled through her efforts to rent a place within the commissioner district... then why did they send her name up for consideration? And, since the local party sent her up for consideration, how does one avoid the conclusion that the local democrats had no problem with her decision?


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