Thursday, April 21, 2005

From the Right Corner: The question of “gay rights.”

Well, the state senate buried HB 1515 today... 23 Republicans and 2 democrats nailed it down for another year.

On the Left, of course, the language of hate spewed forth about this decision. The Right breathes another sigh of relief and moves on to other business.

At the end of the day, the Left would have us add "conduct" to race, color, religion and gender as a protected class. I am, as most people are, opposed to the idea that "conduct" should be so protected.

As the father of a half-Asian son, I am, personally, offended that the gay lobby attempts to link their "plight" with that of actual minorities. I also don't give a rat's patooty about what anyone does in the privacy of their own home, presuming such conduct is voluntary.

But society, to a lesser or greater degree, DOES seem to care. And, as much as the Left hates the idea, the fact remains that societal norms play a major role in the formation and application of our laws.

The "slippery slope" argument is a valid one.

If we are to add this type of conduct to the definition of a protected class, then where does it stop? What is the next form of protected conduct that advocates will demand protection for? And does anyone believe that this form of conduct will be the only form to seek protection?

Those who seek to legalize sex between children and adults are very big on this issue. Many of those use the same arguments the gay lobby use... voluntary conduct isn't harmful; the major argument against this conduct are societal and so forth. There were, for example, people who actually supported the conduct between Mark Kay Letourneau and that kid she rapped.

"Who was harmed?" we were asked... by some

Well, this kid has been arrested for car theft... dropped out of school... Fathered two illegitimate children... and, all and all, has made his life a total mess.

Far be it for me to go far a field, but at the end of the day, there are far more parallels to that situation and homosexual conduct than there is its opposite.

I believe HB 1515 to be unnecessary. I believe that homosexuals or any of their versions (hhhmmmm... Lessee... "Gay, Lesbian, Transexual, and/or Bisexual") are no more needing of protection, and in fact, may be LESS needing of protection than your standard, increasingly-scarce white male... the only kind of individual in the United States today that does not receive special treatment from their government due to the accident of their birth as, well, white males.

In the end, if the gay lobby feels so strongly about this, they can hook up with their democrat allies and run an initiative that would accomplish the same goal this legislation was meant to achieve.

They won't, of course.

Their protestations notwithstanding, most people of this state do NOT support their aim. These people know that and the end result is: no action will be taken.

Remember: It's not what they SAY that matters... It is, instead, what they do. And in this instance, they will DO.... nothing.

So much for the "people" demanding an "end" to this "discrimination."

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