Friday, April 15, 2005

From the Right Corner: Can someone tell me why we should embrace and fund I-728 and I-732..

... while ignoring I-601?

I admit to some level of confusion.

The neo-comms will tell us that we must fund, even at the cost of increasing taxes on our just-barely recovering economy, Initiatives 728 and 732.

“It’s the will of the people,” they scream in their thoughtful, Howard Dean-like tones.

How are those two initiatives any more or less the will of the people than I-601? How is it that we honor one… while we surreptitiously tiptoe around, ignoring the other?

Are democrats so completely gutless that they lack the courage to just come right out and repeal the initiative? They certainly have the votes… after all; it only takes a simple majority.

But then, this seems to be indicative of the neo-comm left. The positively embrace the will of the people when it suits their agenda… but selectively ignore that same will, expressed at the polls, when that will gets in their way.

The democrats in the House have proven themselves scum. To that, they can now add “cowards.”

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