Sunday, April 24, 2005

Democratic cowardice – endemic in the Washington State Legislature

Yesterday, Saturday, April 23, was a standout day.

Few days serve as such a stellar example of the cowardice of democrat legislators.

The first, prime example was the unambiguous cowardice of the House Democratic Caucus.

Democrats have proven their cowardice time and again. Perhaps it’s genetic, for, to be a democrat is to defy logic… much like, for that matter, the idea of being a homosexual.

Yesterday, the democrats held a fake vote on the floor of the House to get a more accurate vote count on the gas tax increase.

Now, we all know that the democrats have 56 members of their caucus… far more than needed to pass the tax increase.

As legislators, they should take the vote that’s right for the people of this state. Political considerations are SUPPOSED to be secondary.

But yesterday, the gas tax vote lost, 45 to 53.


If this tax is the RIGHT THING TO DO… then why didn’t ALL the democrats vote for it?

Because they’re cowards. Their positions are corrupt…. Their leadership is corrupt…. They have no courage and stand for nothing.

“We can’t pass this without Republican votes,” they whine and snivel.

Well, why not?

Because they’ve put their political futures ahead of the needs of the people of this state.

Now, I’m a “no” on the gas tax.

I’m a “no” because we’re giving Seattle $1.5 billion for the Alaska Way Viaduct, but they won’t give us a billion for our idiotic effort to replace the I-5 Bridge. I’m a “no” because it gives $50 million for Rep. Deb Wallace’s idiotic I-5 Bridge/Light Rail study. I’m a “no” because no one has been fired or otherwise held accountable for allowing $58 million to vaporize because of a DOT project abandoned due to the latent discovery of an Indian burial ground… watching a total of 1.4 BILLION of “our nickels work” their way into dust. I’m a “no” because of the wasted money of the SR 500 super intersections, such as the ones at Andresen and Gher Road.

I’m a “no” because the people of Seattle are viewed, somehow, as being more important then the people of Clark County.

And they’re not… but the democrat’s chief focus has little to do with the people of this state… as proven by their cowardice on the gas tax vote. Instead, it has to do with their political futures… a future they cheerfully and with utter cowardice trade for what’s best for the people of this state.

In demolishing I-601 (You know... the will of the People?) we're told By Rep. Jim McIntire (D-Seattle) that is was "all about allowing the majority to govern."

Well, Rep. McIntire, here's your opportunity. You and your fellow democrats HAVE the votes. What you and your fellow democrats LACK are the guts.

Legislature: House may vote again on gas tax hike

Sunday, April 24, 2005
By DON JENKINS, Columbian staff writer

OLYMPIA -- The House may vote again today on increasing the gas tax.

A first try Saturday failed and was followed by finger-pointing.

A package of tax and fee increases to pay for $8.5 billion worth of transportation projects was defeated 45-53.

Angry Republicans charged Democrats with holding back votes and staging a phony tally to test how many Republicans would join Democrats.

Democrats denied the charge, though they said Republicans must share responsibility for raising the gas tax.

Eight of the House's 43 Republicans voted to raise the gas tax by 9.5 cents a gallon over four years.

Democrats said Rep. Tom Campbell, R-Roy, didn't count because he distanced himself from the Republican caucus early in the session.


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