Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Clark County democrats are nervous: The whine about Mielke begins.

So, former State Representative Tom Mielke has moved into the 49th District, which roughly equates to Commissioner District 3. Didn’t take long for the local neo-coms to bust a gasket.

stilwell indicates that when Jeannie Harris attempted to game the system, he indicated that it was a dumb idea, tho he doesn’t provide a link.

Yet, he remains absolutely silent on that idiot-stick Republican turncoat who moved into the 17th District to run against Benton. Also, he fails to condemn the local democrat hierarchy for even allowing Harris to be considered for the job.

He whines about a lack of newspaper coverage on the issue.

Year after year, Tom Mielke introduced a bill in the state House requiring the end to county-wide votes for county commissioners. He felt, and I agree, that those elected to represent a commissioner should only be voted in by the people of that district… not county-wide.

Year after year, Betty Sue opposed his efforts, and the bill died, year after year.

So now, democrats are going to whine because Tom wants another shot at becoming a county-wide elected county commissioner?

Tough. They can waste their collective time whining about the very acts they’ve facilitated in the past when it suited them, they can engage in name-calling and labeling… or they can do what they need to do: direct their efforts on trying to win on the issues… if that’s possible.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Carpetbagger update

Republican Tom Mielke has filed his first C-3 form in his bid to unseat Democrat Steve Stuart for the 3rd County Commission seat. It's just a $100 contribution from an individual, which is fine and not really the point. But here's the link: (type in "Mielke" and "2005")


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