Friday, April 08, 2005

Another example of the Left’s double standard in the media: Robert Jamison’s vicious attack against Former Sen. Slade Gorton.

Face it, for the second presidential general election in a row, King County Elections Office is a train wreck. I know it, you know it, Terry Schiavo would know it if she were still here.

Rewind the video two days. Sen. Gorton accurately stated that the KingCo Elections Office "has the worst elections administration of any county in the United States".

Well, as you might expect, the Leftist neo-comm media went nuts, losing its collective mind. So, instead of dealing with the message and attacking the office primarily responsible for one of the worst state election debacles in our Nation’s history, they attack Sen. Gorton for having the temerity to give his opinion on the matter.

A columnist for the Seattle P-I wrote like the state democrats were paying him. Using terminology to describe Sen. Gorton’s remarks thusly:

“Republican Red Scare . . . swirling forces of sneer and smear . . . skeletal greybeard . . . slithered back . . . shooting hyperbole from the hip . . . ruthlessly right-wing . . . Slade the Blade . . . partisan puffery . . . relishes heat over light . . . politics of destructiveness . . . lock-and-load revenge mode . . . want the head . . . lunatic blog-crazed fringe . . . rage campaign . . . GOP Scream Machine . . . wild personal attacks,”

Seattle P-I columnist Robert Jaimieson tore into Election Office critics like his life depended on it.

So, to the average neo-comm, the issue isn’t the rampant fraud/incompetence of the Elections Office (you choose) No… the issue is the message of rage and frustration supporters of fair, legal and accurate elections use to express their collective dismay.

But Jaimeson took it a step further.

As one commenter pointed out: “His description of Slade is personally vindictive. 'skeletal graybeard'? Could we call him a chubby blackbeard without being accused of being racist? Probably not.”

Of course not. Thus, my call of BS on this kind of column.

At the end of the day, anyone believing that were these roles reversed… were Dino Governor, the KingCo Executive a Republican and these circumstances the same… anyone believing that the types would do and say FAR WORSE than the measured tones of Sen. Gorton in this matter is simply delusional.

Sen. Gorton had the right to say what he did. Robert Jaimeson had the right to write what he wrote. But in doing so, Jaimeson brought nothing to the discussion except evidence of a blind belief that those on the left would absolutely never even CONSIDER mishandling ballots, deliberately or otherwise, to gain a political advantage for purposes of installing a democrat governor.

You know, much like democrats never considered the fact that when illegal aliens and criminals illegally vote, they, the democrat party, benefits from those votes… thus illustrating why democrats oppose toughening voting requirements in any substantive way, hoping we, the voter, will confuse their MOTION, with some kind of actual ACTION.

The actions of the KingCo elections office are so far beyond the pale that the request of an investigation is not only not unreasonable, democrats should be insisting that such an investigation take place.

After all, if everything is on the up and up, what do the democrats have to lose? An election?

Sourced from Sound Politics.

Friday, April 8, 2005
Fresh target, fresh pit bull for GOP


The Republican Red Scare is on the loose. Again.

The swirling forces of smear and sneer are now looking to a skeletal graybeard to legitimize their cause: Slade Gorton.

The former U.S. senator from Washington has slithered back into the politics pool. Gorton says King County "has the worst elections administration of any county in the United States."

How Gorton arrived at this grand pronouncement the other day is a mystery. He didn't offer much proof.

One would have hoped the éminence grise of Evergreen State politics would be above shooting hyperbole from the hip to stir up the masses.After all, Gorton has shown a capacity to be a levelheaded, positive force when it comes to bipartisan cooperation. Remember his thoughtful contributions to the commission that reviewed the Sept. 11 terror attacks?


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